Third Monthly Network Meeting

Third Monthly Network Meeting

Bassein Christian Business Association (BCBA) conducted its 3 rd monthly meeting on Saturday, December 10, 2016 at Imperia Banquets, Bhabola, Vasai. The world around us is changing: Changing at a breakneck speed, disrupting our lives in many ways; technology playing the most crucial role in that. And to explain this, we had a man at the helm, Mr. Vipin Surelia, Vice President – Risk and Compliance at PayTM. Mr. Vipin spoke on Moving towards a Cashless Society Impact on Business.

Prior to joining PayTM, Vipin was with NPCI (National Payment Corporation of India), which is driving the digitization of India through the banking sector. RTGS, IMPS, Country's network of ATMs, Rupay card interfaces, CTS and a half a dozen other technology interfaces. Vipin headed the product development initiatives for NPCI. He has held high level leadership positions at Reserve Bank of India, HSBC and IBM.

Vipin is a BTech and an MBA with 19 years of experience in the payment s industry playing a key role in the digitization of India.

Mr. Vipin educated the BCBA members on the lessons learned at PayTM, the strategy to have user friendly app, challenges of operating in competitive economy with around 40 competitors etc. He also answered  various queries raised by the entrepreneurs on PayTM.

We also had Bassein atholic Cooperative Bank’s AGM Mr. Vyas talking about the bank’s partnership with M-Swipe and POS machine maker to offer POS machines at a discounted cost to the Vasai based enterpruners.

Arch. Samson Gomes gave a presentation on his business profile covering is areas of specialization, services that his business offer and asks from the BCBA members.

The meeting began with the prayer at 8 am and concluded with the national anthem at 9.45 am. Subsequently, members spent time on networking with breakfast.

Here are the video recordings from our Third Meeting:

Part 1:

Part 2:


Bassein Christian Business Association (BCBA) is a movement of Christian entrepreneurs and professionals with a dream to create entrepreneurship skills for its community by pooling and harnessing resources and nurturing each other’s growth in a spirit of transparency, commitment, excellence and trust.

One thought on “Third Monthly Network Meeting”

  1. Linus DLima RFC USA December 22, 2016 at 9:58 am

    Excellent. Keep it up.
    Linus DLima RFC USA

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